July 26


True North: A 5-Step Guide to Aligning Your Actions with Your Core Values

By jennifersilbert

July 26, 2023

easeandflow, life alignment, life purpose, mindfulness, personal growth, self-mastery, stress management, values

Hey, you! Yes, you. 🙋‍♀️

Have you been feeling a little off-balance lately? Battling with indecisiveness, constantly second-guessing yourself? Do you find self-doubt creeping in when you need to make critical decisions? Are you feeling a subtle, gnawing unease or dissatisfaction with life, even though everything “seems” right?

That's a sign! It's subtle, but it's there, whispering at the back of your mind, nudging at the end of each day, leaving you mentally exhausted and spiritually spent.

Let's cut to the chase: You might be living out of sync with your core values. 🎯

Does that strike a chord? If so, give yourself a pat on the back. Recognizing these signs is the first step to finding your "True North" and realigning your life with your core values. It's a journey that requires time and self-reflection, but oh boy, the benefits are worth every step!

If you're off course, no worries. We've all been there. But let's talk about how to get you back on track. 

In today's blog, you'll learn about: 

  • The transformative power of understanding and aligning with your core values.🎯
  • The pitfalls of living a life that's out of sync with your values and the potential impact on your stress levels and overall fulfillment. ⚠️
  • The profound impact of aligning your actions, decisions, and life with your core values, including the positive effects on your stress management and sense of fulfillment. 🌟
  • A clear, five-step process to help you identify your unique core values and align your life with them. 🚀

Come rediscover what makes you tick and that could change the way you live, work, and play.

Let's dive in! 

A life in Alignment

Living in alignment with our core values is like having a supercharged GPS with our unique fingerprint guiding you through life's twists and turns. It's our stress reducer, our joy amplifier, and our personal meaning-maker. 

In our hyperactive, hustle-bustle world, it's alarmingly easy to get swept up in the "doing" of life, and lose sight of the "being". And here's the kicker: when our actions and decisions don't mirror our values, it can pave the way to stress, frustration, and dissatisfaction.

Here's a nugget from the Harvard Business Review: a mere 24% of people feel they're living in harmony with their core values. That means a jaw-dropping 76% of people could be making life choices that don't vibe with their deepest beliefs and principles. This discord can manifest as feelings of emptiness, burnout, and a sense of drifting aimlessly.

When we align our actions and decisions with our values, life starts to flow more naturally. Decisions become easier because we have a clear benchmark against which to measure our options. We feel a sense of authenticity, integrity, and satisfaction because we're being true to who we are

A life Out of Alignment

Perhaps you've felt this too. That gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that says, "Something isn't right." It could be that you're working tirelessly in a job that doesn't fulfill you, or maintaining relationships that drain rather than energize you. It could be that you're pursuing goals that don't resonate with what you truly value, leading to a life that feels disjointed and out of sync.

This is the cost of not knowing and honoring your core values. You risk living a life that's in discord with who you truly are. On the surface, you might be successful, but inside, you feel a void, a lack of fulfillment, or a yearning for something more.

Research in the field of positive psychology has repeatedly shown the importance of value-congruent living for our mental well-being. According to a study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, people who live in accordance with their values are more likely to be content, have a higher sense of self-worth, and experience less psychological distress.

A life out of alignment is a confusing labyrinth of unsatisfactory choices, unfulfilling achievements, and persistent feelings of unease. It's a whirlwind of endless activity without real progress. It's like running on a treadmill—lots of effort, but you're not really going anywhere. 

When you're out of sync with your values, even your victories might feel hollow. You may reach a milestone or accomplish a goal, but it fails to give you the joy or satisfaction you anticipated. You're left wondering, "Is this it? Is there not more to life?"

Moreover, it's not only about the sense of dissatisfaction.

Living a life that's not aligned with your core values can have real, tangible effects on your physical and mental health. Stress, anxiety, and even depression can surface when we persistently ignore our values. As per the American Psychological Association, chronic stress can lead to a host of health problems, including but not limited to headaches, sleep disturbances, and heart disease.

Not being in tune with your values can also lead to strained relationships. After all, if you're not being true to yourself, it can be tough to genuinely connect with others.

Sounds pretty daunting, doesn't it? But don't worry, recognizing this misalignment is the first step towards a solution. And that's where we're headed next—to finding our way back to a life that vibrates in harmony with our deepest beliefs and values! 

Alignment in Real Life

To illustrate the before and after effects of living in alignment with your values, I have a story to share of a former business colleague named James.

James was your typical high-achiever - always on, focused on upward mobility in the corporate scene, hustling his way to executive director position, a bundle of wiry energy.  

But something changed one day.  I think it was connected to a health scare his wife experienced.  I could tell he was experiencing some kind of internal shift.  He wasn't the same.  James started pulling back and working more measured hours, stopped coming to company functions and just looked more aloof.

I learned later that he had an "awakening." He said he just woke up one day feeling empty. He realized he was so busy chasing 'success' that he'd lost sight of what truly mattered to him. He felt disconnected, disoriented, adrift. 

That's when James embarked on the journey of aligning his life with his core values. He began by identifying what truly mattered to him: creativity, integrity, family, health, and adventure.

Suddenly, James saw his life in a new light. He realized his job was stifling his creativity, his long hours were straining his family relationships, and his constant stress was harming his health. He knew something had to change.

So, he quit his corporate job and started his own graphic design firm, allowing his creativity to flourish. He set aside time each day for his family, rebuilding the relationships that were strained. He made time for exercise and cooking healthy meals, prioritizing his health.

And guess what? Today, James is happier than he's ever been. His work fulfills him, his relationships are thriving, and he's in the best health of his life. And it's all because he aligned his life with his core values.

You don't need a drastic wake-up call to realign your life.  If you recognize the signs of disenfranchisement with your true self, don't put off the change you need to live a happier, more fulfilling life. 

Find Your True North:  5 Steps to Alignment with Your Core Values

Aligning your life to be in sync with your values will be an effort with the investment.   Here is a 5-step process to help you get started:

  1.  Step One: Identify Your Core Values
    The first step is to recognize what's most important to you. Your core values are the principles that guide your decisions, shape your attitude, and define your behavior. You might value honesty, creativity, health, family, or financial independence. The list can be endless!  But here's a handy list of common core values to start with. Take a quiet moment, peruse the list, and jot down values that resonate with you. A -15 initially. Then, narrow your list down to your top 5.
  2. Step Two: Define What Each Value Means to You
    Now that you have your top 5, it's time to dig deeper. What does each value truly mean to you? After all, a single word can mean different things to different people. For example, if one of your core values is 'family', does that mean hosting Sunday dinners, having regular heart-to-heart talks, or being there for every soccer game? Specify what each value looks like in your life.
  3. Step Three: Evaluate Your Current Alignment
    Take a good look at your current life. Is it in alignment with your defined values? Are you living your values in your daily life?
    For instance, if one of your core values is 'health', but you're constantly skipping workouts and grabbing fast food, there's a disconnect. This isn't about self-judgment, but awareness. Awareness is the first step towards change.
  4. Step Four: Design Your Life
    Now comes the fun part! You get to be the architect of your life. How can you adjust your lifestyle to better align with your values? Using our health example, maybe it means meal prepping on Sundays, finding a workout buddy, or setting a reminder to move every hour. Write down concrete actions that reflect each value.
  5. Step Five: Check-In Regularly
    Your core values aren't set in stone. As you grow and evolve, your values might too. Make time every few months to revisit your values and realign your actions.

Want to conquer stress and make room for more harmony in life?

Get the FREE 23-page Ease and Flow Lifestyle Starter Kit, a holistic stress-busting guide with 15 proven tips and 50+ linked tools  to help driven achievers master work-life harmony, sustain inner balance and take control of their lives.  Get it here.

About the author

Jen Silbert is a seasoned life coach who empowers achievers to shatter mental blocks, bolster resilience, and foster a winning mindset, equipping them to confidently navigate challenges and thrive in any scenario.  Get ready to rise and shine!

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