June 7


From Flunk to Funk: 5 Tips for Turning Failure into Success

By jennifersilbert

June 7, 2023

confidence, courage, failure, mindset, positive thinking, resilience, success


Yikes! Just the word itself can send chills down our spines and instantly trigger memories of past experiences we'd rather forget.

But what if we change the narrative? What if we learn to view failure not as a paralyzing end, but a learning opportunity propelling us towards success?

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons.

In today's blog let's explore:

  • the flunk-to-funk mindset of reframing failure
  • risk taking on the path to success
  • the role of the risk-benefit analysis
  • 5 strategies to accept failure and harness its power in fueling success

If I had to sum up in advance the key takeaway in today's blog, I'd have to say - if you want to realize a goal or a dream than failure has GOT to be an option!

Think about times you grew the most. 

Was it through the easy, breezy moments where everything goes according to plan? 

Probably not. Instead, it's the missed targets, the disappointments, the slip-ups – those are the moments that shape us, that give us the grit and resilience to press on.

The Flunk-to-Funk Mindset

Remember Thomas Edison? He made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

You see, in every failure, Edison found a solution that nudged him closer to his light bulb moment (pun intended!).

        I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.                       - Thomas Edison

But it's not just Edison.

Take Elon Musk, for instance.  Remember the infamous Falcon 1, SpaceX's first rocket? It's initial three launches failed dramatically, each one exploding before it could reach orbit. Yet, Musk saw each failure as a chance to learn and improve.

He once said, "Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough."

   Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.          - Elon Musk

My absolute fav flunk-to-funk story is about Sarah Blakely, the founder of the popular apparel company Spanx. 

Sarah spent her savings on a crazy idea to reinvent women's shapewear, faced countless rejections, and had zero knowledge of fashion or retail. But she didn't let failure stop her. In fact, she welcomed it. Raised by a father who celebrated failure, she saw each misstep as an opportunity to learn and pivot. Today, she is a self-made billionaire.

Failure is not trying. 

- Sarah Blakely

By now, you might be wondering, how can I adopt this mindset? How can I start seeing failure as a stepping stone, not a pitfall?

Any conversation about failure should include talk about risk-taking and risk-benefit analyses because let's face it, embracing failure involves a degree of risk. But as they say, "No risk, no reward," right?

We'll wrap up with five solid tips for reframing failure as a stepping stone to success.

So are you ready to transform your relationship with failure? Let's get started!

Risk-taking: Dancing with Uncertainty

When it comes to achieving success, taking risks is an integral part.

But here's the catch - with risk-taking, comes the possibility of failure. However, what distinguishes successful people from the rest is not the absence of failure, but the courage to take calculated risks.

The willingness to step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks sets you on the path of growth and innovation. Taking risks exposes you to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas, paving the way for creativity and progress.

You might wonder, "How do I know if a risk is worth taking?" This is where risk-benefit analysis comes into play.

Risk-Benefit Analysis: The Balancing Act

Risk-Benefit Analysis is a strategy used to evaluate the potential positive outcome (the benefit) against the possible negative outcome (the risk). It helps you make informed decisions, considering both the pros and cons.

For instance, let's say you have a business idea.

The risk is losing your investment if the business fails. The benefit, however, is the potential for financial gain, job satisfaction, and professional growth.

Weighing these against each other can help you decide if it's a risk worth taking.

The Power of Failure:  Stepping Stones, Not Pitfalls 

Alright, so you've taken a risk, and it didn't go as planned.

Instead of seeing this as a failure, view it as a stepping stone towards your goal. Just as a toddler learns to walk by stumbling and falling, we learn to succeed by failing.

Did you know that Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, was rejected 1009 times before he got a yes for his famous secret chicken recipe? Today, KFC is a global fast-food empire, and it all came to be because Colonel Sanders saw his rejections not as failures, but as stepping stones towards success.

Here are 5 Solid Tips to Reframe Failure:  Your Stepping Stones to Success.

1. Accept Reality

Acknowledge the failure. Don't ignore it or hide from it. Acceptance is the first step towards learning.

2Reframe Your Outlook

Instead of saying, "I failed," say, "I learned." This subtle shift in language can make a massive difference in your mindset.  Failure is not the end.  You won’t look foolish because you failed. Stop beating yourself up and shrinking back. 

3. Analyze the Situation.

Ask yourself, "What went wrong? What could I do differently next time?" Understanding the "why" behind the failure can prevent repeating the same mistakes.

4. Be resilient.

Brush yourself off and get back in the game. Learn resiliency skills. Remember, the only real failure is quitting.

5. Celebrate Failure.

Yes, you read that right. Celebrate failure because it means you had the courage to try.  How many people never even bothered to try?  With this attitude you'll feel the tension associated with failure dissipate and you can respond constructively rather than react emotionally to the results. 

Remember that failure is not the end!

Failure is merely an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger. When you start seeing failure through this lens, it will no longer paralyze you. Instead, it will propel you towards success.

Learn how to cultivate resilience so you can bounce back faster to propel you to the finish line.  

Until next time, keep taking those risks and embracing your failures. And remember, in the grand scheme of life, failure is not a full stop, just a comma on the way to your success story.

Reframe Your Outlook on Failure with the FREE Guide

Get the FREE Guide 10 Breakthrough Beliefs to CRUSH Self-Doubt and Ignite Success

Unleash your limitless potential with this 23-page guide - 10 breakthrough beliefs PLUS 10 success habits PLUS dozens of powerful positive affirmations to power up success in your life. 

Go a step further...

And book a free strategy call with me personally to explore a VIP coaching program to harness the power of your emotions and/or boost your confidence in 8 weeks.  

About the author

Jen Silbert is a seasoned life coach who empowers achievers to shatter mental blocks, bolster resilience, and foster a winning mindset, equipping them to confidently navigate challenges and thrive in any scenario.  Get ready to rise and shine!

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 10 Breakthrough Beliefs to Crush Self-Doubt and Ignite your Success
