
Is Your Life Gasping or Flourishing?

What areas of life are begging for your attention this year?

If you stop to think about the state of your life right now, what do you see? What do you feel?  

Lost? Off course? Stuck?  Hopeless? Desire for something fresh and new? Frustrated? Curious?

Life doesn't have to feel like it's always running off the rails and you have no control.  Your circumstances don't have to keeping sucking you dry.  You don't have to live with a hole in your soul and forfeit the delightful feelings of fulfillment, satisfaction, joy and ease anymore.  And the past year doesn't have to define your future.  

It's time for you to STOP and PAUSE and decide what stays and what goes.

Audit your life.  Plug the leaks.  Design Your Ideal Life - On Purpose. 

Join me for a reflective and purposeful 60-minute group workshop where I will hold your hand and create space with you to pause and take stock of what is and is not working well in your life so you can get clarity on the spot on where and how to best invest your time and energy this next year.

Something Need to Change This Year?

In times of stress, worry, anger, or sadness, we repeat what is familiar and what feels safe.  That can leave us feeling stuck and avoiding the change we need to feel more fulfillment, satisfaction, good health and joy. 

That could look like:

  • avoiding spending money on learning a new skill because money is tight rather than seeing that as an investment in your marketability in the workplace. 
  • binging on Netflix or scrolling social media for hours like zombies even though you feel horrible for wasting so much time.
  • staying in the same job even though the setting or location or hours aren't best for you because you're afraid to change up your routine.
  • waking up each day swearing today will be different but repeating THE SAME thing again and feeling awful about it!
  • letting your spouse/parents/friends talk you out of switching doctors who aren't in alignment with what your gut intuition says you need for your physical and mental health right now.
  • working all the time and not making time for play because you're afraid you won't get ahead, even though you're missing out on life. 

Now Imagine Yourself a Year From Now.

  • You're no longer repeating the same habits.
  • You feel grounded and focused!
  • You know your priorities!
  • You let go of the things that stole your energy, time and resources!
  • You feel more confident and fulfilled for changing course!
  • You feel so proud of yourself for making change!

You can plug the leaks and make a change!

    When the world around you seems uncertain, the world within you is still ripe for exploration and discovery, limited only by your lack of imagination, faith and courage! 

In this 60-minute pre-recorded workshop, presented in 2 parts (PLUS a bonus section on affirmations) we will be examining the following areas of a well balanced life:

  • Career + Business
  • Home + Environment
  • Spirituality
  • Family + Relationships
  • Money + Wealth
  • Recreation + Travel
  • Physical Health
  • Mental + Emotional Wellness

Part One

This will be like homeroom back in school. We will be examining each area in detail.  You will be given questions to answer and time to write your answers.  This is the kind of work we may not make time to do on our own, but is essential in coming face-to-face with reality. This is where you will see lightbulbs go off in your head and get confirmation of gaps you tend to overlook when life is running on autopilot.  We will use one of the most impactful, popular coaching tools for this step.  You may feel validated, surprised or even relieved at this point.  

Part Two

Still in a homeroom type setting, we will now begin to vision what we would like these same areas of our life to look like this next year.  You will be guided into a manifesting state with specific questions to begin imagining possibilities. You'll be given time and space in your workbook to visualize what you want and list some preliminary action steps to make that happen. 


I will summarize our work and what it can mean for you.  Then I will end with a few slides to give you ideas of what you can do next, including creating bucket lists, SMART goals, and daily habits. 

By the time we are finished you will:

  • feel so much more clear and focused about what is and is not working well for you
  • realize the changes you want to start making NOW
  • have solid evidence of areas of life that need your attention this next year
  • have some preliminary actions you can take today

These results will help guide you toward better management of your time, energy and resources for this next year.   You will come face to face with what is NOT working for you AND you will even feel some excitement about the possibilities that are now right in front of you!


The past is where you learned a lesson.  The future is where you apply what you learned.  The NOW is where you make decisions that connect your past with your future.  What will those be?"

Jen Silbert

I am a warm hearted, spiritually aligned and action-oriented life coach ready to help you find alignment in YOUR life.  As your workshop leader - and your guide - I am excited to hold space for you in the Live on Purpose workshop!!!  I will hold your hand and walk you through a step-by-step process to audit each area of your life that might be holding you back from a more balanced, satisfying, fulfilling, and flourishing  life.  I promise you will get clarity on the spot and immediately see where and how to best invest your time and energy TODAY and plug the leaks.  This process WORKS, which is why it's one of the most important gifts you can give yourself at the beginning of a new year.   If you've read this far, I KNOW this is speaking to you!  Say YES and join me for just 60 transformational minutes! See you then!

Now Imagine Yourself a Year From Now.

You will be amazed at the magic you can create in just 60 minutes!  Join us for this powerful workshop, suitable for any action taker who wants to jumpstart their life and stop living without a clue as to what would REALLY bring better balance and alignment this year. 


  • Guided workshop recordings presented homeroom style so you do the work NOW and not procrastinate any longer
  • Two segments that allow you to both look back and look ahead to get INSTANT clarity and momentum  
  • BONUS Section on discerning your values and strengths
  • Brief video on the value of affirmations and positive self-love talk 
  • 30 page Live on Purpose printable workbook 

Once you purchase you'll be sent a confirmation email with links to the workbook and recordings.

Only $97

Live on purpose today!

Don't pass on this opportunity to get BRILLIANT clarity and momentum to Jumpstart Your Best Life!

Just for midlife women ready to write their next chapters - join the FREE Radiant + Resilient Midlife Woman group and get connected to like minded women on intentional journeys of self-discovery and healing. 

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